Our Impact
Our ‘Farm-for-Impact’ model grants farmers the freedom denied by traditional development paradigms. We work to leverage cocoa farm revenues to sustain the operations of a tution-free all girls’ school, a medical clinic, and a community run cocoa farm.
Cocoa Farmers directly reached
0 %
Increase in farm production from seed funding
0 %
Farming revenue re-invested into creating community healthcare access and childhood education.
We increase the impact of farming, supporting community-driven resources for farmers and their families.
Community Health
The Tarkwa Breman Community Clinic (TBCC) brings care to the cocoa farmers of Tarkwa Breman and its 7 other surrounding villages with outstanding health results.
Our clinic is staffed with a physician assistant, a midwife, a nurse, a pharmacist, and a clerk. TBCC has bridged the majority of healthcare gaps, specifically infant and maternity care, in Tarkwa Breman.
Patients served in 2017
Patients served in 2022
Malaria cases treated
Hypertension cases addressed
Respiratory tract infection cases treated
0 %
Vaccination record for students
0 %
Health insurance for students
0 %
Safe delivery
Babies delivered
Theresa's Story
Meet Theresa, who lost her husband because there was no health facility close to her community. Access to quality healthcare was a major challenge at Tarkwa Breman and its surrounding villages. It took a 2-hour journey on an untarred road to get to the nearest hospital.

Established health clinic in 2016

1,000+ healthcare home visits every year

HIV testing, primary care, maternal care, & reproductive care services

Access to quality rural healthcare: Tarkwa Breman Community Clinic
We invite you to join our campaign to expand the medical facility so more community members can access quality healthcare, with pride, knowing they have everything they need.
Chiildhood Education
Our implementation of the model at Tarkwa Breman Girls' School shows a significant positive impact on rural education outcomes.
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we maintained high attendance rates of 98% with home visits and a public health education curriculum.
0 %
School attendance rate in rural Ghana
$ 0
Sponsors a girl's education for one year
0 %
Attendance rate at Cocoa360’s Tarwka Breman Girl’s School
0 %
Vaccination record for students
Students (boys and girls) enrolled in summer school
School-going age reduced from 7 years to 3 years
1:30 teacher-to-student ratio versus 1: 87-100 in most rural communities
0 %
Teacher availability in all grades
0 %
Teacher attendance rate versus a 75% attendance rate in rural areas.
Nelson's Story
Nelson shares the impact story of Cocoa360’s work fueled by your amazing partnership. Hundreds of cocoa farming families are optimistic about a better future.
Thanks to you.

School enrollment increased to 360 students

Newly opened school canteen with healthy food options

New after-school extracurricular established – All girls football team

Cocoa360 believes every child deserves to be healthy, have a chance to learn, and reach their full potential, regardless of their background circumstances.
The reality is that most farming communities in Ghana, like Tarkwa Breman, lack childhood education necessities. From uniforms and books to transportation fare to school chairs, learning materials are luxuries that many families simply cannot afford.
Become an active member of our girls’ school and join the Cocoa360 community.
Our implementation of the model at Tarkwa Breman Girls' School shows a significant positive impact on rural education outcomes.
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we maintained high attendance rates of 98% with home visits and a public health education curriculum.
0 +
Cocoa farmers directly reached
Cocoa farmers received enhanced farming practices in 8 communities
Cocoa seedlings distributed to farmers as a post-covid-19 shock measure
0 %
Increase in farm size from 2018 to 2024
0 %
Increase in farm production level per annum
0 +
Farmers trained in hand pollination
Join Our Campaign
Join us in acquiring more cocoa farms to cover more childhood education needs and offer quality healthcare services.